Dear One,
In Part 1 of this 2-part blog post, I encourage you to dream and hope and envision. I also urge you to consider those longings and yearnings as a part of the real, authentic YOU.
Here in part 2 of this post, I'm challenging you to dive under the surface layers to consider what it means to live from "the real you." Notice where you're sensing any resistance. Instead of resisting your resistance, let it act as a reminder that you're on to something--keep digging through each layer as its revealed.
Digging into all parts of yourself takes courage and badassery. There's a lot of mess and muck and mire you'll discover alongside and mixed in with the good parts of yourself.
Not to worry--as you relentlessly seek to be authentic, you'll be drawn toward others who are seeking what you seek. Authentic human beings act as magnetic fields, drawing other authentic humans toward them.

Being and Becoming Your Authentic Self
What does it mean to be and become authentically yourself? What does it mean to live from the real YOU?
What great questions to be asking yourself (as long as you don't expect every answer to reveal itself immediately, or even to find a clear, definitive, one-time answer).
Authenticity is what I refer to as my own "North Star" value. Still, I wouldn't dare to attempt giving you an answer or show you "the right path" to take. There is no one right path. It simply doesn't exist.
Be relentless in asking yourself the question, "What does it mean to be and become my authentic self?" Trust that the question itself will be your answer.
Authenticity As Journey And Destination
You will need to remind yourself that there's no final destination at the end of your path toward authenticity.
There’s a familiar metaphor that goes up on walls and reads like this: “Life is a journey, not a destination.” While this sounds like a lovely sentiment and a great reminder to “enjoy the journey,” let’s keep it real. No matter how much you want to embrace the journey, you and I also want to arrive at our destinations.
For me, once I start on a path toward a destination, I’m already trying to picture what it might be like once I arrive. I don’t think I’m alone—perhaps it’s natural and common to many of us. After all, who wants to pack for a journey to a beautiful destination if we know before we start we won’t ever arrive?
Maybe that’s why we’ve created so many sayings and metaphors to keep reminding us of life being a journey and the adventures we’ll have along the way.
Relentlessly remind yourself: your journey toward living as your authentic, unique self does not lead you to a final destination. You won’t get to stand up and say, “Here I am! I’ve arrived. It’s time to unpack.”
Yet, as strange as it sounds--your journey is also your destination. Each time you think you've arrived you’ll realize you’re only pausing to enjoy or cringe at the view, or to wait for your next set of directions.
Your journey toward discovering "the real you" is both a journey AND a destination. I know, mind-blown, right?
Authentic Prompts
Here is a series of prompts that will guide you in being and becoming relentlessly yourself.
What am I resisting? What might my resistance be showing me?
Within my circle of family and friends, with whom is it easiest to be honest, to be my real self? What is it about that person or our relationship that makes it so easy?
Within my circle of family and friends, with whom is it hardest to be honest, to be my real self? What is it about that person or our relationship that makes it so challenging for me to be myself?
Where am I struggling to trust that I'm in an emotionally safe space?
Who do I know that seems to be authentic and real?
Which parts of myself do I most often keep hidden from others? Which parts of myself bring up feelings of shame?
Which parts of myself do I more easily accept without judgment, criticism, or blame?
What are the roadblocks I encounter in seeking to be fully myself?
What are the hidden parts of myself that I'd like to bring into the light?
The Difference Authenticity Makes
Authenticity is a key ingredient in effective coaching. The more you're willing to bring your real self into our coaching relationship, the more you're able to experience lasting change and transformation.
A coach acts as a loving, compassionate and truthful witness to your authentic journey. With a coach who listens through the lens of authenticity, you're able to discover the truth about yourself. Knowing the truth about yourself sets you free to love yourself and others wholeheartedly.
Authentic Haiku For the Real You
Authentic you walk
Accepting all of your truth
Listening with love.
Becoming yourself
Comfortable in your skin
Refreshingly real.
A Prayer For Authenticity
Oh God, may we long for safe spaces where humans dare to be themselves. May we be open-hearted, welcoming the truth in ourselves and others. May authenticity and trust be the foundation of our desires to love and to be loved.
